When is the Best Time to Trade Binary Options?
Hey guys, David with Binary Masterclass here, and I wanted to come on for a minute and talk about the best times to trade binary options. You’re gonna want to stick around to the end of the video because we’re gonna talk about how to get our indicators for free, how you can download our proprietary indicators for free coming up at the end of what should be a relatively short video. And also, if you’re new to the channel, Binary Masterclass not only offers a boot camp on getting you prepared to trade in the world of binary options, but our masterclass comes complete with a live trading room that allows you to participate with us in daily live trading sessions that start at 5:15 am pacific time and run all the way to about 7:30 am, normally, pacific time. 2 trading opportunities in there, 2 different trading rooms, one for our regular members at 6 am and at 5:15 am is for our premium members.
Now why do we trade starting at 5:15 am and then 6 am? Well, that has to do partly with 2 things. Number 1, the best time to trade binary options is during the London stock market time frame. Now the London market opens in London time at 8 a.m and runs to 8:30 a.m and they do take a small five-minute lunch break. That equates to midnight or 12 a.m. Pacific time, you can do the calculations based on your timezone, all the way to 8:30 a.m. Pacific time. Now we begin our trading at 5:15 a.m. just because I don’t wanna get up any earlier than I already do. But you can begin, we recommend limiting your binary options trading to the London stock market time frame. Now why is that time frame the best? Well, when the London market and the other European markets are open, you’re gonna get a heavier volume of trading activity than you will when those markets close.
You know, we trade forex currencies which comprise currencies from around the world and in order to trade specifically our one-minute strategy successfully, you need relatively dependable and good levels of volume in the trading in order to get the movement and the reactions that our trading strategies depend upon. Quite simply, once the London market closes at 8:30 am Pacific, the volume in the currency drops off considerably, and then by 9 or 10 a.m. it is, you know, down to a trickle and becomes very very difficult to predict changes in direction after that time frame. Now you can technically trade binary options seven days a week, 24 hours a day. Most of the time around afternoon Pacific Time most binary options brokers start taking away the ability to trade the traditional currency pairs and they start just adding in their OTC, over-the-counter offerings, which we never trade.
We always advise that you don’t trade OTC. There’s really no underlying currency that is driving those. They’re fabricated, to be honest with you, and you’re gonna lose money They are not designed for you to make money. They are designed for you to lose money.
So in order to, what I tell myself, what I tell our students, what I tell our traders at Binary Masterclass is if you want to lose money, trade binary options outside of the London timeframe. That is a guaranteed way to blow your account. If you want to have the best chance of making money with binary options, limit your trading to the London hours. Now you can trade outside of the timeframes that we trade. You can trade much earlier if you are in this portion of the United States. It just involves you trading during the middle of the night. East Coast time frames are much more friendly and of course, the European time frames you get to trade all day long. But the London time frame 8:30 a.m. London time to 4 30 p.m. is the best time to trade binary options using most any of the strategies that are that are common out there. Just because of the level of consistent volume and movement and price action that you get during that time frame.
Okay that having been said guys our indicators we’re giving them away for free right now. They normally retail for $199. You can have them for free if you do a couple things. You need to open up a Pocket Option account and a Quotex account under our affiliate links which are available in the description below. You need to fund those accounts and then you just need to send us your trading ID so that we can go on and verify that you have both opened and funded those accounts under our affiliate links and then we’re gonna send you a link to download our indicators for free. Now our indicators are one of the three key components that you’re gonna need to trade binary options successfully, but they are available to you for free. Now the other components of successful binary options trading are number one, a good strategy, and number two, a good community of traders.
And both of those things we provide to you at Binary Masterclass. We’d love for you to join us here live in the trading room every day where today I pocketed another over $4,000 in profits in just over an hour and a half of trading and I am confident we can teach you to do the same thing. And actually guys, we’re releasing some new strategies coming up in the next couple of weeks and I think you’re gonna be interested in subscribing to the channel so you can keep up on what’s happening here as we continue to refine our profitability, refine our money-making capacities, making it easier than ever to make money trading binary options with us here at Binary Masterclass.
So if you enjoyed the content of this video, please click the like button. If you’d like to stay updated on what’s happening in the industry or what’s happening with us here, click the subscribe button. And if you’d like to join us in the trading room, click the link in the description below. Or if you’d simply just like to download our indicators for free, for a limited time, instructions in the description below as well. And we will see you in the trading room.